2. We provide a service to Japanese people who need accommodation and advise them on lodgings available where the landlord or landlady are resident within the property.
3. We do not collect monies on behalf of the landlord or landlady or hold any monies pertaining to the contractual agreement between the lodger and the provider of accommodation.
4. We offer to landlords and landladies a cultural service in translating all relevant information to the prospective lodger and thus facilitating a private agreement between lodger and accommodation provider.
5. We offer to prospective lodgers the service of interpretation and clarification of the agreements they will enter into with accommodation providers so that they understand their commitments under any agreement they then sign.
6. We provide translation services for the purpose of advertising accommodation on offer.
7. We provide a way for landlords and landladies to make direct contact with each other.
8. We provide an ongoing service to enable landlords and landladies to communicate with their lodgers and their lodgers to communicate with them.